Turn your stomach

MAY 3—Several in the group are at war with their bodies. Or vice versa. Immodium is increasingly popular. Everyone carries his or her own small supply of toilet paper.

We are cautioned not to drink any unbottled water — “not even to brush your teeth!” We heed this warning. We are told not to eat any raw vegetables or too much of anything. We pay attention. We take precautions.

But these days we are strangers paying a visit to a different biosphere. Our stomachs are typically comfortable with what they know and uncomfortable with strange stuff. They have minds of their own and Africa has thousands of “bugs” our bodies don’t know what to do with. So they decide to expel the foreign bodies and are quite adept at keeping both ends busy. The process is unpleasant and horribly inconvenient.

It’s small comfort to know that this is “normal,” and that most people get over it fairly quickly and can enjoy the itinerary more fully again. Charles reminded us that our prayer for “daily bread” is also a prayer for strength — for everything that is necessary for us to live abundantly. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.

* Personal PS to my wife. I’m fine. No problems so far.

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